Baby Charlie and his reflux
Baby Charlie was 4 weeks old and had been suffering with reflux after each feed and sleeping difficulties at night since birth. His mother had tried changing his formula on three seperate occaions hoping to improve the situation but this had not helped. Charlie was then brought to the GP and was prescribed gaviscon but unfortunalty this too had failed to resolve his reflux and sleeping problems.
Although Charlie's mother had experienced a good pregnancy the delivery was long and difficult with Charlie's head becoming stuck in the pelvis towards the end and resulting in a ventouse delivery.
On examination, although Charlie was a healthy baby, there was a lot of tension at the top of his neck and back of his head, possibly as a result of becoming stuck during delivery and the need for ventouse. It was felt that this may be creating a mild irritation of some of the nerves relating to the diaphragm and digestive tract. His diaphragm also appeared to be tight and was potentially affecting the function of the sphincter between the stomach and the oesophagus and was thought to be linked to his reflux.
After 3 treatments to reduce tension around the head and neck and to improve the tone of the diaphragm Charlie's sleeping had improved significantly and his mother had noticed his reflux would also improve for a few days after the treatment. After the fourth treatment Charlie's reflux was occurring only 2-3 times a week. At the sixth treatment Charlie's symptoms had gone and, apart from recommending a check-up in 2 months, he was discharged.